Popeye the Sailorpedia

The First Mate laughs at the "painting."

Mutiny Ain't Nice is Popeye's 64th theatrical cartoon. It was produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures on August 19, 1938. It features Jack Mercer as Popeye and Mae Questel as Olive Oyl.


Popeye is a captain of a cargo ship which is about to leave the port. Olive desperately wants to go with him, but he states that women are a sign of bad luck on a boat, and gives her a passionate kiss after leaving. Olive is smitten with the kiss. She stumbles over a brick and falls into a chest, which gets loaded onto the ship.

After the ship sails off, Popeye finds Olive in the chest, just as the First Mate notices the voice of a woman. Popeye quickly hides her by putting her behind a frame to look like a painting. The Mate warns Popeye about having a woman on the ship, and when he laughes at the "painting", Olive is offended, knockes the Mate and sneaks out.

Olive blows her cover when a mouse enters the barrel she hides in. This prompts all crew members to attempt to get rid of her. Popeye tries to give orders, but he gets beaten up by the First Mate, who claims he is now leading a mutiny against Popeye. The ship is in chaos as the sailors chase after Olive all over the ship. The Mate catapults Popeye away, but Popeye conveniently reaches a can of spinach and instantly returns with a vengence. He knocks the crew members one by one, covers their brawl in a sail canvas, and locks them with chains before sending them into the hatch.

After the chaos, Popeye, still believing women are a jinx, puts Olive on the lifeboat outside the ship, but helps with her ride by single-handedly calming the ocean waves, and sings his signature song to end the cartoon.


While the main villain, a plump sailor that leads the mutiny, is not referred to by any name, the cartoon's model sheet ,signed by animator Dave Tendlar, names him the "First Mate."

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