Popeye the Sailorpedia
Popeye the Sailorpedia
Doc Winner

Charles H. Winner (December 18, 1885 - August 12, 1956), better known as Doc Winner, was an American cartoonist, notable for his comic strips Tubby and Elmer, plus his contributions to Thimble Theatre (aka Popeye), Barney Google and other King Features strips.

Starting in the King Features bullpen in 1918, Winner worked with King Features for the next 38 years. Following E. C. Segar's first hospitalization in December 1937 (by which point he had completed the daily Thimble Theatre up to January 1 and the Sunday strip up to February 6), Winner replaced Segar as Thimble Theatre's writer and artist in an uncredited capacity until May 1938, completing the daily storyline "Valley of the Goons" and entirely writing and drawing "Hamburger Sharks and Sea Spinach". Although Winner was uninvolved with the strip from May to August 1938 owing to Segar's recovery, the latter's second hospitalization and eventual death led to Winner returning as the strip's artist, albeit in collaboration with writer Tom Sims. Winner would continue to provide artwork for Sims' storylines and dialogue until December 1939, following which he was superseded long-term by Bela Zaboly.

Winner also authored other long-running strips such as Tubby, Daffy Doodles and Elmer aka Just Boy. Dell's Large Feature Comic reprinted his Thimble Theatre in 1941 and 1943.

In the last years of his life, Winner drew The Katzenjammer Kids, from 1947 to 1956. Winner lived with his wife, the former Agnes Reid, and two daughters in Upper Montclair, New Jersey. He died of cancer in 1956.

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